Smart Lübeck Parking
Live overview of utilized parking capacities in Lübeck, Travemünde and Santander.
The application shows the occupancy of parking spaces in Lübeck, Germany and Santander, Spain on Google Maps. It was developed in context of SmartLübeck and SmartSantander, respectively. The data about the occupancy of parking areas is provided by the KWL GmbH and the SmartSantander project for parking areas located in Lübeck and Santander, respectively.
The original data is provided without semantic annotations. To enrich the "raw" data with semantics, an ontology is needed which adds meaning to the various values and entities: What is the concept of a parking area, which unit is used to describe the occupation level and what is the meaning of this unit, etc.
For this, we use the "The Parking Facilities Ontology" developed by Myriam Leggieri from DERI for the SPITFIRE project.
To add these annotations to the original data and to provide the semantic enriched data to the public, SPITFIRE's Smart Service Proxy is used.
Before we used the semantic enriched data, only parking areas in Lübeck were shown. But since the parking space data of both sites are available in the same format, we are able to show both sites in a single application. However, since the citizens of Lübeck might not be interested in information about parking areas in Santander and vice versa, the sites to be shown can be configured. A Lübeck-only-view is available as well.
Live Demo
<p>Ihr Browser kann leider keine eingebetteten Frames anzeigen: Sie können die eingebettete Seite über den folgenden Verweis aufrufen: <a href="" data-mce-href="">Smart Lübeck Parking</a></p>
Demos, Articles and Information
A collaboration between the projects SmartSantander and SPITFIRE was shown at the FIA 2012 in Aalborg. (Sensor-)Data about the availability of parking areas from two SmartSantander sites (Lübeck and Santander) is aggregated and semantically enriched by the SPITFIRE Smart Service Proxy. This data is then used in a WebClient visualizing the data of both cities.
Source Code
The software developed and used by this project is free and open source.
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